
Request Information

Let Amelia Island Montessori School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

The admissions process is outlined below: STEP ONE: Parent(s) / guardian(s) gather information. This step is intended to offer insight into theMontessori philosophy, as well as our school's history. Our current tuition/fees and school calendarcan be found on our website, along with a lot of other relevant information. STEP TWO: Parent(s) / guardian(s) schedule an information session and tour. While we are firstand foremost a place for children, this step is designed for adults only - giving us a chance to shareas much as we can with each other during our short time together. At this time, we will learn aboutyour child, and will also provide information about the Montessori philosophy, who we are asindividuals and as a community. Parent(s) / guardian(s) will have the opportunity to see ourmethod in action as all tours are scheduled during the morning work cycles. 30-minute tours can berequested via our website. STEP THREE: Parent(s) / guardian(s) submit an application & (if applicable) request a recordsrelease / teacher recommendation from child's current school. The application form is sentelectronically after completing a tour of our campus. To apply, this form must be completed andreturned to the Business Office, with a one-time, non-refundable fee of $100.00 and a copy of thechild's birth certificate. AIMS must receive the application plus all records from the child's currentschool (as applicable) in order for the process to advance. STEP FOUR: AIMS schedules a student visit. Once the application documents (from Step 3) haveall been received and reviewed, and if space is available , AIMS will schedule a personal visit, whichis an opportunity for the child to be in our classroom environment and to meet with a teacher.During this visit, the teacher will interact with the child, teach lessons and carefully observe thechild (children under the age of 3 attend this visit along with a parent). Parent(s) / Guardian(s) mayrequest an opportunity to meet again with the Head of School in order to answer any remainingquestions at this same time. Our school admission committee will review each application file and inform the parent(s) /guardian(s) of our decision within two (2) weeks of the student visit. This notification will occur byemail to the parent(s) / guardian(s). If a space is not available, the student may be placed in a wait pool and offered the option to proceedthrough the application process at a later date, which may even occur mid-year. STEP FIVE: Enrollment paperwork is completed / submitted. Accepted applicants will receive anenrollment contract and student registration forms. Parent(s) / guardian(s) must return all formswith the appropriate fees prior to the child's entrance start date. Please note that enrollment isconditional for the first six (6) weeks of attendance. If it has been determined that placement is not inthe best interest of the child, the classroom or the school, tuition (less deposit and fees) will beprorated and may be refunded at the sole discretion of AIMS.

Student Information

About the Student

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