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Notes for Prospective Students

ADMISSIONS Policy Statement on AdmissionsAquinas Academydoes not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,ethnicity, gender, or disability in the administration of any ofits policies. General Registration and AdmissionCriteriaRegistration for Aquinas Academy begins early in thecalendar year. In the admission of students into Aquinas Academypriority consideration is given, during the designated enrollmentperiod, to these criteria in the followingorder:1.     Children inattendance the previous year provided all current financialobligations arefulfilled.2.     Siblings ofchildren in attendance the previous year provided that all thefamily`s financial obligations have beenmet.3.     Children of parentswho attend an Archdiocesanparish.4.     Children ofparents who have an interest in a classical education in theCatholic tradition. Families will be notified ofacceptance after records and admission criteria are reviewed. Onbeing admitted to the school, each student accepts theresponsibility to participate actively in his or her own educationand faith formation (religious activities) and adhere to thestandards of the school. New students at Aquinas Academywill not be considered officially enrolled until all transcriptsand documentation have been received from their prior school, andapplication fees are collected. Students who are entering the K3/K4program must be able to use the restroom on their own. TheRe-Enrollment Period for current families will begin at the end ofJanuary and will end on the third Monday of February, after thatthe Open Enrollment Period begins for all students. Returningfamilies who are more than 30 days behind in tuition payment maynot re-enroll without the permission of the Head of School and theBoard of Directors. Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, andFirst Grade Admissions (Wisconsin Statute 118.14)No child may beadmitted to 3-year-old kindergarten unless he or she is three yearsold on or before September 1st of the year he or she proposes toenter school. * No child may be admitted to 4-year-oldkindergarten unless he or she is four years old on or beforeSeptember 1st of the year he or she proposes to enter school.* No child may be admitted to 5-year-old kindergartenunless he or she is five years old on or before September 1st ofthe year he or she proposes to enter school. * No childmay be admitted to 1st grade unless he or she is six years old onor before September 1st of the year he or she proposes to enterschool and has completed a Kindergarten five-year-old program.*     * On rareoccasion, the principal may make an exception to the aboveguidelines. Parents seeking an exception may be asked to completeadditional enrollment steps prior to enrollment. These steps mayinclude but are not limited to an interview with the principal, astudent interview with the teacher, assessment, shadowing for theday, etc. Evidence of Date of BirthA legal birthcertificate or other authentic proof of a student`s age must besubmitted before a student`s admission. RegistrationInformation for New/Transfer StudentsWhen openings are available,new families interested in enrolling their children at AquinasAcademy must:1.     Send orsubmit a copy of the following studentdocuments.      School records and transcripts (if transferring from anotherschool)      Recent standardized test scores and IEPs, ifany      Record of immunizations2.    Complete all registration paperwork and applicationfee.3.     Schedule a time forthe child(ren) to complete assessments. Assessments are used forplacement and provide useful information to adviseinstruction. Placement Screening of New/Transfer StudentsEntering Grades 1-8Due to the academic rigor at Aquinas Academy,prior to the child`s first day of school, the administration and/orteachers will administer an age appropriate assessment. Theassessment may involve, but is not limited to an interview, andmonitored social interaction as well as reading, writing, and mathskills. The screening is used for placement. If you have anyquestions about the placement screening, please contact theprincipal. Wait ListIf an opening for a particular gradeis not available, the administration maintains a wait list for thestudent(s) seeking enrollment. The above registration andadmissions criteria will advise the principal`s decision. Prioritymay be given to families seeking to enroll multiple children ifspace is available and in the best interests of the student,family, and school. TranscriptsParents are entitled tohave an official transcript of their student`s records sentwherever desired. They may request transcripts through the schooloffice. Tuition PaymentAs stated in the EnrollmentAgreement for the payment of tuition, Aquinas Academy has variouspayment plans, fees, and tuition policies. Aquinas Academy receivesno funding from a parish and consequently depends upon timelypayment of tuition fees for its operating budget. Upon acceptedregistration of their child, parents agree to make tuition paymentson time. Aquinas Academy reserves the right to refuse admittance toclass and to withhold report cards and transcripts of any studentwhose financial account is delinquent by 30 days or more. Specificquestions about payment plans, fees, tuition assistance, andtuition policies may be directed to the Principal and/or theDirector of Operations. Authority of thePrincipal/AdministratorThe final decision for admission,instruction and retention of any student rests with the principal.

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