
Request Information

Let Central Florida Christian Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

Admission Information for

Families and Students


The purpose of Central Florida Christian Academy as a ministry of First Baptist Church of Central Florida is to glorify God by partnering with families to Educate, Inspire, and Equip every student to know and serve Jesus Christ among all nations by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Accredited by:

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

Member of the Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools (SBACS)

Central Florida Christian Academy

700 Good Homes Road

Orlando, FL 32818

Phone 407.850.CFCA


Application Process

We appreciate your interest in applying to Central Florida Christian Academy. This packet contains documents needed for all grade levels. Please complete those that apply to your child. If at any time during the application process, you have questions, please contact our admissions office (407850CFCA ext 485) for assistance.

Your childs application is complete when the following has been turned in:


____ Complete Student Application ____Copy of Report Card if applicable

____Application Fee ($125.00)
Nonrefundable ____Teacher Reference Form

____Church Reference Form ____Parent Reference Form

____Birth Certificate ____Test Results if applicable


____Complete Student Application ____Previous Two Years Report Cards

____Application Fee ($125.00)Nonrefundable ____Teacher Reference Form

____Church Reference Form ____Previous Two Years Standardized Test Scores

____Birth Certificate (FCAT, Stanford Achievement, etc.)


____Completed Student Application ____Previous Two Years Report Cards

____Application Fee ($125.00)Nonrefundable ____Math Teacher Reference Form

____Church Reference Form ____English Teacher Reference Form

____Student Questionnaire ____Previous Two Years Standardized Test Scores

____Birth Certificate (FCAT, Stanford Achievement, etc)

The Admissions Office must receive these before testing or the family interview is scheduled.

Double Check for signatures where applicable.

Testing: After you have submitted the above items, you will be contacted to schedule testing. Entrance testing may be administered to assist in determining if Central Florida Christian Academy can meet the academic needs of your child.

Family Interview: After your testing scores have been evaluated you will be contacted to schedule a parent interview (students must attend interview in grades 7 thru 12) with the principal. The principal will briefly explain the purpose of Christian education; provide an overview of our program and give you time to ask whatever questions you may have concerning the school.

Admissions: After completion of all of the above, you will be notified via phone or in writing as to your childs enrollment status. If your child meets the admissions requirements, but there are no spaces currently available in the class, you will be given an opportunity to keep your application active in the waiting pool.

Enrollment: Upon acceptance, you will be sent an enrollment packet, to be completed and returned to the Admissions Office. The enrollment packet is valid for 7 days and must be turned in with all enrollment deposits and fees, before your student is officially enrolled.

Student Information

About the Student

Address and Telephone Number

Student Login