
Request Information

Let Coconut Grove Montessori School - Main Campus know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

PROCESS FOR REGISTRATION  1.  Complete Admission Application Form  Mail to: 2850 S.W. 27 Ave, Miami, FL  33133 or email to CGMS@email.com Following receipt of the Admission Application, the school will contact you to schedule your child`s readiness assessment visit.  2.  Readiness assessment visit.This visit will last approximately 3 hours.  3.  Enrollment Meeting With One Or Both ParentsDuring Enrollment Meeting, the following forms are required:Florida Pediatrician Forms (2 forms immunization schedule form DH680, and general health form DH3040-CHP-07-2013)Copy of Birth Certificate or Passport Page Documenting AgeIdentification of ParentCopy of Medical Insurance Card  4.  Meet the Teacher   5.  First Day of School  Questions? 305-444-4484 Schedule and Tuition8:30-11:30 $9,850 Annual Tuition or $985 monthly8:30-2:30 $11,850 Annual Tuition or $1185 monthly2:30-6:00 After School Care $350 monthly or $25 per day

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