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Notes for Prospective Students

Community Prep serves students who are performing above grade level. We make admissions decisions by reviewing grades, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, and an interview/visit at Community Prep School. To be considered as a candidate for admission, students must demonstrate:  Strong academic ability  Good work ethic  History of school-appropriate behavior  Desire to attend Community Prep To be successful at Community Prep, students must be willing to work hard and be committed to our program. Teachers provide the support necessary for students to become confident, independent learners. Additionally, we expect parents to be supportive of and involved in their child's education. The student, however, is responsible for putting forth the effort to meet the school's academic expectations. In addition to the educational demands it places on students, Community Prep expects students and parents to understand and support its mission to serve a diverse population. Our students come from a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The administration, teachers, students, and parents are constantly working to maintain a welcoming environment for all students regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, creed, or sexual orientation. Students must be willing to work with others from different backgrounds and must be respectful of all members of our community. Community Preparatory School is committed to being a quality educational alternative for the children of the neighboring South Providence community. Community Prep emphasizes recruiting, selecting, and retaining qualified students from South Providence.

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