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Notes for Prospective Students

Like all Montessori schools, CMS emphasizes hands-on discovery-based learning. The philosophy of our school includes recognizing and protecting the natural curiosity of each child during the developmental years. Meeting the needs of the great imagination, which characterizes the elementary years, and the abiding social development of the middle school years. In guiding children, based on their own interests, we strive to impart a strong foundation of basic skills along with a pattern for a lifelong love of learning. At CMS the Lead Teachers are trained in Montessori philosophy and technique. We work to prepare a dynamic environment that in itself encourages each child to make choices based on their own needs and interests. Our teachers are trained to guide through observation giving well-placed challenges and inviting children to try something new. Our classrooms offer a complete array of Montessori materials, supplemented with traditional and handmade materials. In the Primary class children are free to choose activities and move about the room. They are gently invited to lessons and enjoy watching others with their activities. The Montessori Elementary curriculum is organized as a continuum with one step building on the previous one. In the Elementary class the teacher and child collaborate on daily and weekly work plans. The structure of freedom and responsibility is carefully balanced. The concept of mixed ages promotes an atmosphere of cooperation, teamwork and peer teaching. The unique design of the materials and the structure of the tasks lead children to the development of self-discipline. The warm and friendly atmosphere provides a safe place where each child's social experience is guided with love and respect. We are aware that parents are a child's first and most important teachers. Parenting forms each child's core belief about who they are at the very beginning of their being. The responsibility of working in partnership with our parents at this crucial time in their young lives plays a significant role in our daily relationship. CMS is licensed by the State of California department of Children and Family Services. Our program is inspected to ensure we are meeting the standards required by the state. Our status as a private elementary school is renewed yearly with the California Department of Education. Our lead teachers have AMI and AMS Montessori training and as individuals are members of two professional Montessori organizations; Association Montessori International and The North American Montessori Teachers Association. Through our professional organizations we actively continue our education and staff training. Each member of our staff has current CPR and First Aid training.

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