
Request Information

Let Denton Calvary Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

What's the process for admission to DCA? 1. Attend a Parent Information Meeting to explore our campus and learn more about us.Review all school materials gathered at the Parent Information Meeting as well as the website. Be sure your family has read and agrees to our Statement of Faith.  2. Pray about it.Complete the online application for admission and submit the application fee of $200 for kindergarten applicants, $300 for grades 1-12. Early application discounts available if submitted prior to May 31st. Please Note Application Deadlines:Fall 2023   July 13, 2023 at noon.  Spring 2024 November 10, 2023 at noon. 3. Submit academic records (standardized testing, report cards, transcript) and reference contact emails (two academic and one spiritual must be non-related adults)  5. Admissions staff will contact you to schedule entrance testing 6. Admissions Committee File Review: Denton Calvary is not always a good fit for every family and situation, thus acceptance into DCA is not guaranteed. If it is determined that the student or school is best served by not moving forward with the application process and the family has attended a Parent Information Meeting within the 12-months prior to the application, the family may be eligible for a partial refund of the application fee. If the family did not attend a Parent Information Meeting, the application fee is considered non-refundable. 7. Family Interview: If the decision is made to move forward with the applicant's file, admissions staff will contact you to schedule a family interview. Note: All steps in the admissions process must be completed prior to scheduling of the family interview. 8. Communication of Admissions decision  The Admissions Committee makes its decision after careful consideration and prayer. Due to the sensitive and, at times, difficult nature of the committee's work, decisions not to accept a student are shared by letter and without further comment.

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