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Notes for Prospective Students
Admission Requirements Eckerd E-Nini-Hassee
operates year-round and offers rolling admissions to serve girls
who have shown significant difficulty functioning in social, family
and/or school environments, and whose emotional and behavior
problems have been unresponsive to treatment involving a less
intensive level of care. Admissions are evaluated according to
these guidelines, but also on a case-by-case basis: Girls 12 to 18
years of age (case by case review of those turning 19 while in the
program will be considered) Evidence of ability to benefit from
peer and/or adult relationshipsCapacity to relate to the concept of
鈥渃ause and effect Demonstrated behavioral problems of such
magnitude that remaining in the home environment is no longer a
feasible or practical option for the youth unless significant
intervention takes place Typical Profile Girls
ages 12-18 who exhibit any of the following: low self-esteem, low
motivation, poor decision making, impulsivity, susceptibility to
negative peer pressure, parent/child relationship problems,
defiance of authority, refusal to take responsibility for behavior,
refusing to go to school or suspension, confrontational behavior,
drug or alcohol experimentation or abuse, adoption issues, social
alienation, anger management, grief/loss and depression, trust
issues related to victimization, body image issues, sexual
exploitation, bullying and inappropriate social media experiences
that may lead to more serious victimization.Common
DiagnosesAttention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, Oppositional Defiant
Disorder (ODD) , Bi-Polar Disorder, Substance Abuse/Use, Impulse
Control Disorder, and Social Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Parent-Child Relational Problems and Eating Disorders.