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Notes for Prospective Students

Faith Lutheran School is open to all member families of Faith Lutheran Church and families from the community who desire a Christian education for their children. Specific enrollment requirements include 1. Parents must be willing to have their child instructed in the doctrines of the Bible as taught by Faith Lutheran School. 2. Parents who are non-members of our congregation must complete, during the first year of enrollment, a Bible information course presented by one of the Faith pastors. This course acquaints participants with the teachings of Holy Scripture as taught and believed by Faith Lutheran Church. Parents will thus be informed of the instruction given to their children in school and may better reinforce this instruction at home. 3. Students are required to sing in their respective choir throughout the school year and participate in the Children`s Christmas Service.   4. All students are expected to attend weekly church services at Faith or their home congregation. Children are expected to participate in Faith`s religion curriculum. This includes daily devotions and prayer, weekly chapel services, Bible History lessons, Catechism classes, and the memorization of Bible verses, hymns, and parts of the Lutheran Catechism. 

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