
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

The parent and student are in support of Foundation Academy`s mission and philosophy as a Christian school.Applicants should demonstrate evidence of success in a traditional classroom setting, proficiency at the 50th percentile or higher in Reading and Math on standardized testing including our admissions assessment, be on or above grade level, and have a minimum of a 2.5 unweighted GPA (in core classes and overall).Students with an IEP, 504 or other accommodation plan must meet the admission requirements, and understand admission may not be offered if it is determined that Foundation Academy is unable to meet the academic, emotional, medical, or behavioral needs of the student. If the student is offered admission, they may be required to enroll in an educational support program at an additional cost.The student should have a clean discipline history with no suspensions, expulsions, or history of behavioral issues.The student should read, write and speak fluent EnglishFor students entering Preschool or Kindergarten, the student must be the appropriate age by September 1 of the school year. 3 for our K3 program, 4 for our K4 program and 5 for Kindergarten

Student Information

About the Student

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