Let Ghs Academy- Golden Hills School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
AdmissionsProcess The first step in the admissions
process is to schedule a tour of the school. Call the front
office at (916) 933-0100 to schedule your tour. Typically tours
last about an hour and you will get a chance to learn about our
program, meet some of the classroom teachers and administrators,
and to see our well-equipped facilities and classrooms. GHS
operates on a "rolling admissions" basis and generally applications
are considered in the order in which they were received. Families
can choose to apply at any time during the admissions process by
completing an Admissions Application and submitting the $25.00
application fee, or you can apply online by following and following the instructions. It is important
that ALL of your application materials are returned promptly. An
admissions file is considered complete when all required forms have
been received. List of Required Admissions Forms
Admissions Application with the non-refundable $25 application fee
Report cards for the past two years, including teacher comments
Standardized Test Scores (i.e. ERB, CTBS, SAT, ISEC, CAT, etc.) If
you wish, please include copies of any awards, certificates, or
examples of work that you feel will give us better insight into
your student`s capabilities and personality. Once we have received
all your forms, we will contact you to schedule a Student Visiting
Day. Student Visit Day Junior Kindergarten
and Kindergarten: We will invite your child for a
assessment with one of our teachers to ensure your child`s
readiness for our program. This assessment will last about 20
minutes and be scheduled around mid-March. First to Eighth
Grade: Your child is invited to spend the day at GHS
with their current grade level. During the visit, your child will
be assigned a "student buddy" to help guide them through the day.
Students will be assessed in math and language arts. The assessment
will occur as a part of their regular school day and no preparation
is necessary.