
Request Information

Let Immanuel Lutheran School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

1. All students must register for admission every year. 2. Current students' re-enrollment forms for the next school year must be submitted by March 1. 3. The registration fee must accompany a student's registration form. 4. Students registering for kindergarten by state law must turn 5 before September 1. Parents must provide a copy of their child's birth certificate with the enrollment form. 5. Students registering for the first time are requested, along with their parents, to have an interview with the principal. 6. New students will be required to complete a reading and math skills assessment prior to their first day of attendance at ILS. 7. The parents of new students in grades 1-8 must provide the principal with the following information prior to enrollment: a. a completed student referral form b. a copy of the student's last report card c. a copy of current achievement test scores. 8. All new students are accepted on a nine-week probationary basis. 9. State law requires that a certificate of immunization (obtained from a doctor or health clinic) be provided for the child's records before the beginning of each year. ALL IMMUNIZATIONS must be current within 30 days of the student's first school attendance, or the student cannot attend classes.

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