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Notes for Prospective Students
Graduation Requirements In order to graduate from Marquette
Catholic High School, a student must successfully complete work in
certain well-defined branches of study. A credit refers to the
value given for a semester course. In general, a semester course is
worth 1 credit and a year course is worth 2 credits. All Marquette
students are required to be carrying eight credits each semester.
Juniors and seniors are allowed to carry seven credits each
semester if a student is registered for college Calculus, a
college-level online course, or a work release is obtained. A
student entering Marquette must successfully complete 56 academic
credits to be awarded a diploma from Marquette. The board has
specified 40 of these credits to be taken in the following
departments: theology, English, math, social studies, science,
health, and computers. Specifically, each student graduating from
Marquette must successfully meet the following departmental
requirements: 8 credits of Theology (An exception may be granted
under extenuating circumstances with the approval of the
Administrative Team. However, the student will be obligated to
fulfill service program requirements.) 9 credits of English
including 2 credits each in English I, II, III, and IV 7 credits of
Mathematics including 4 credits in Algebra or Basic Algebra (an
exception will be made for a student enrolled in Algebra I as an
8th grade student), 2 credits in Geometry or Basic Geometry
(beginning with the class of 2016), and one credit in Financial
Math (beginning with the class of 2016). *These credits must be
earned from the date of the student鈥檚 matriculation into high
school. 6 credits of Natural Science including 2 credits each in
Environmental Science, Biology, and Prechemistry or Chemistry. 7
credits of Social Studies including 2 credits each in World
Studies, U.S. History and 1 credit each in American Government and
Sociology 1 credit of Computers I 2 credits of Health (beginning
with the class of 2016) The other 16 credits may be selected by the
individual student from those courses offered at Marquette and
those shared-time courses at Bellevue Community High School which
are approved by Marquette鈥檚 administration. Band and choir will
each be worth 2 credits per year which will count toward the 56
credits required for graduation and will be calculated into the
student鈥檚 grade point average. In addition, each student is
expected to take physical education each semester; waivers for an
individual semester will be granted only for medical reasons or
scheduling conflicts deemed irresolvable by the administration.
Each year of physical education carries 1/4 credit per year which
counts toward the 56 credits required for graduation and is
calculated into the student鈥檚 grade point average. Students for
Educational Services (SES) is available to juniors and seniors and
is worth 1/2 credit per semester. Students may take SES for a
maximum of two semesters earning a maximum of one credit. These
credits count toward graduation but are issued on a Pass-Fail basis
and are not calculated into the student鈥檚 grade point average
although they do appear on official transcripts. Students may not
take Work Release and SES in the same semester. In the light of
increasing entrance requirements for Iowa鈥檚 colleges and state
universities, those planning to go to college are urged to take
additional mathematics including Algebra II, additional science
including Chemistry, and at least two years of a foreign language.