
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

The Miami Sudbury School believes that this model of empowerment will allow almost any young person to grow and thrive. While admission is never based on test scores or grades, students must meet the following criteria: Every student interested in becoming a community member, regardless of age, must have a baseline of personal responsibility and self-control in order to participate in a Sudbury School Community. Respect for the authority of our school's peer restorative justice system, democratic School Meeting, and the policies decided upon by these bodies is essential for the smooth functioning of our community, allowing everyone to work together with respect and responsibility. Steps for enrollment: Familiarize yourself with our School and The Sudbury Approach to Education. Check out a few articles, videos, and maybe a book from our Library. We highly suggest Free To Learn by Peter Gray Call or go to our website to schedule a private tour for your family. The prospective student and all parents invovled in the student's life must attend the family tour. After the tour, your student may be invited to do a Visiting Week to see if this is a good fit for everyone. If we have already reached maximum enrollment, your child will be placed on our Waiting List. During the enrollment process, our Admissions Committee works with prospective families to determine whether there will be a good fit between our school and your family. We do not consider academic performance in our enrollment process. We strongly believe that most students can thrive at The Miami Sudbury School, if that is their goal.  However, the unique nature of our school relies heavily on the right mix of ages and the ability of all students to function cooperatively and productively for the sake of the community.  We are a safe, respectful, open, and affirming school community based on respect and personal responsibility.

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