
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

Children need direction in life and as parents we inherently want to point our children down the right path (Proverbs 22:6). Selecting a school that can ensure your Christian morals and beliefs is a priority. At MVCA, we understand this and build our classroom curricula around Christian principles. Worldwide, you`ll find that Christian schools provide the highest quality of education possible. It starts with a clear direction-a sharp focus on the Word of God. With this as a foundation, MVCA students are soaring to the top of academic excellence. Statistics show that in 30 years of standardized testing, Christian school students score consistently above the national norm. At MVCA, we have maintained this level of excellence with many of our students even scoring two and three grade levels above the norms, especially in Reading. Academically and spiritually, we want to help you point your child in the right direction.

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