
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

2-Year-olds ~ Our two-year-olds meet 2 days a week on either Mon/Wed or Tues/Thur. This is a wonderful opportunity for your young one to experience preschool for the first time in a nurturing, safe and fun environment! Children in this program do not have to be potty trained! We offer a small class size...only 8 children per class! Enjoy daily art activities, stories, dramatic play, sensory center, play dough, blocks and weekly music, library and chapel. *A child must be 2 years old by September 30 to be admitted into the 2-year-old class 3-year-olds ~ Come join our three-year-olds 3 days (choose Mon/Wed/Fri or Tu/Thur/Fri) or 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs). We have a small class size (only 11) and children enjoy many FUN centers! They will explore blocks, art, manipulatives, puzzles, easel painting, dramatic play, books, sensory table, counting and matching centers, play dough, magnets and more! In addition to weekly music, chapel and library time, we also have a computer teacher who spends one-on-one time with each child. Fieldtrips are also incorporated into the 3's curriculum. *A child must be 3 years old by September 30 and completely toilet trained to be admitted into the 3-year-old class. 4-year-olds ~ Our four-year-olds meet 5 days or 4 days (Mon. - Thur.) per week with 12-14 children in each class. Our classrooms are arranged in different learning areas. Centers include: Language Arts (with the "Letter People"), Mathematics, Writing and Drawing, Art, Easel Painting, Science, Books, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Play Dough, Sensory and Snack. We believe that children learn through their play and as they explore, question, listen, build, paint, and sing they develop a love of learning and readiness for school and other life experiences. Our 4's are introduced to the alphabet with weekly group and individual activities. Crayon rainbow writing and shaving cream writing are their favorites. Our 4's also enjoy weekly computer lessons, music, library and chapel. Fieldtrips are also incorporated into this curriculum. *A child must be 4 years old by September 30 to be admitted into the 4-year-old class. Kindergarten: We offer a small class size (14 max) so that we can meet the needs of each individual child. We believe that children learn through their play and as they explore, question, listen, build, paint and sing they develop a love of learning and readiness for elementary school and other life experiences. Carefully planned lessons guide the children through a variety of thinking processes so that they gain confidence in their abilities and talents. Planned within the framework of our philosophy and purpose, our curriculum includes Math: Recognizing and writing numerals, Sorting, graphing, patterns, counting, shapes, simple measurement, money, Days of the week and months of the year, telling time to the hour, and using objects for addition and subtraction Language Arts: Developing oral language, listening and speaking vocabularies, communication skills, and listening comprehension, Name alphabet and match corresponding sounds Rhyming, syllables, beginning/ending sounds, some middle sounds, High frequency words, Understand how print is organized and read with one to one matching beginning text, Read and explain own writing and drawings, Print letters, write first and last name, Yellow word book, sound sorts Handwriting: proper formation and transition to lined paper Social Studies: Appreciation of our history through learning about important people and holidays, Ethnic diversity and traditions, Basic introduction to maps and globes, Differences between long ago and today, Economics: need and wants Science: Inquiry based with a focus on hands-on activities and problem solving lessons. Major topics we cover are: Animals (life cycles), Plants (life cycle), Water, Magnets, Ecology- Conservation, Senses, Earth Patterns and Cycles. Our Super Kindergarten Scientist stay until 1:30 every Monday. Pack a lunch and the children will enjoy facts, stories, games or crafts especially designed for them. The fee for this class is included in your kindergarten tuition! Health: Taking care of oneself and safety Equally as important our Kindergartners enjoy Creative Art Activities, Easel Painting, Daily Playground Time, Fieldtrips, and weekly visits to Chapel, Music and Library.

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