
Request Information

Let Rock Creek Christian Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

ADMISSION POLICY: Applicants for admission into Rock Creek Christian Academy should have a 'C' average or better and conduct grades which are satisfactory to the Admission Committee. Applicants must be eligible to re-enroll in the school they last attended, be free from learning and behavior problems, have acceptable references, and score at grade level or above on the entrance test to demonstrate the academic ability to succeed at RCCA. SUBMISSION OF INITIAL ENROLLMENT APPLICATION: RCCA accepts students on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date that a completed Enrollment Application is submitted to the Admissions Office. However, because RCCA desires to minister to complete families, priority for enrollment will be given to families enrolling all of their school-age children. A non-refundable enrollment fee must be paid at the time the application is submitted. Applications submitted without the enrollment fee will not be processed. REQUIRED RECORDS: Acceptance and placement are partially based upon information received on the application, the interviews, the test results, and the expressed desire of the parents and students for a Christian education. Other factors considered are recommendations from prior teachers and the student's academic/disciplinary records from previous years. Admission is not final until an official acceptance letter is received by the parents. An acceptance letter will be mailed only after all required materials and payments are received and approved by the Admissions Department. Copies of the following student records must be provided to the Admissions Office on or before the day of grade level entrance testing: 1. Report card for the current year. 2. Report cards for the previous two years. 3. Achievement Test Scores for the previous two years (Stanford, Iowa, etc.). 4. Complete immunization record (as listed below). 5. Birth certificate (required for K-4 through 1st grade only). Applicants for K-4 must be 4 before September 1st. Applicants for K-5 must be 5 years old before September 1st. 6. Recommendation Form completed by a current teacher, if required. (RCCA will provide the form to give to the teacher.)

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