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Notes for Prospective Students

Curriculum The academic program is organized into nine (9) periods plus afterschool activities. The maximum class load for a student is nine (9) classes per semester. Each class period is fifty (50) minutes long. Classes meet for 200 minutes per week and lab classes for 250 minutes per week. AP courses are offered in English Language and Composition, Biology, Calculus AB, U.S. History and World History. AP classes are based on a 5.00 grade scale. AP is an open-enrollment program. Standard Grading Scale and Ranking AP Grade Scale A Excellent 93.00-100 4.0 A Excellent 93.00-100 5.0 A- 92.99-90.00 3.7 A- 92.99-90.00 4.7 B+ Above 89.99-88.00 3.3 B+ Above 89.99-88.00 4.3 B 87.99-83.00 3.0 B 87.99-83.00 4.0 B- 82.99-80.00 2.7 B- 82.99-80.00 3.7 C+ Average 79.99-78.00 2.3 C+ Average 79.99-78.00 3.3 C 77.99-73.00 2.0 C 77.99-73.00 3.0 C- 72.99-70.00 1.7 D+ Below 69-99-68.00 1.3 D 67.99-63.00 1.0 D- 62.99-60.00 0.7 Rank Class rank is based on a student cumulative unweighted GPA. GPA Calculation GPA is computed using the above quality points. Beginning with grade 9, all subjects whether passed or failed, are included in the computation. Pass/Fail classes are not included in the GPA. Graduation Requirements Sacramento Adventist Academy offers two different diploma options. The requirements are listed on our website under Diploma Options. As per our graduation requirements listed, each graduating student must complete a minimum of 100 hours of community service and 100 hours of work experience. Grades are recorded on the transcript and grade point average is computed in January and May. Class of 2010 There were 34 graduates in the Class of 2010 2 earned a 4.0+ 9 earned a 3.75-3.99 8 earned a 3.50-3.74 9 earned a 3.00-3.49 4 earned a 2.50-2.99 2 earned a 2.00-2.49 0 earned less than a 2.0 Standardized Test Results 71% of the class of 2010 took the SAT Average Critical Reading Score 533 Average Math Score 564 Average Writing Score 520 ACT average composite 25 Advanced Placement Results In May 2010, 42 students took AP Exams A total of 48 AP Exams were taken in 8 subjects 48% of the AP Exams received scores of 3 or higher AP Scholar Awards - Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. These students are recognized by College Board for their exceptional achievement on AP Exam. 1 in 2009 1 in 2010 Post-High School Placement 68% matriculated to 4-year colleges and/or universities 29% matriculated to 2-year institutions 3% selected work, military service, or technical instruction

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