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Notes for Prospective Students

Priority Admissions and EnrollmentPriority for admission and enrollment to Sacred Heart Catholic School is determined in the following order:Students currently enrolled at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Pre-Kindergarten through 11th Grade.Siblings of students currently enrolled at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade.Applicants who are parishioners at Sacred Heart Church, Holy Rosary Church, St. Thomas Church, and St. Fabian Church, and children of faculty members.Catholic applicants from parishes other than those listed above.Non-Catholic applicants.Admission to all grades will be determined by the Sacred Heart Admissions Committee. Upon enrollment in Sacred Heart Catholic School, the parents and child agree to abide by its rules and policies.Additional Information for New Student AdmissionsIn-town transfersStudents from the local area (within a 30 mile radius of Sacred Heart Catholic School) may apply for admission at any time during the first semester. In-town transfer students must be approved by the Admissions Council prior to the end of the first semester.Out-of-town ransfersStudents transferring from a school outside the Hattiesburg area (outside a 30 mile radius of Sacred Heart Catholic School) may apply for admission at any time during the school year.Students from schools not accredited by the state of MississippiStudents applying for admission to Sacred Heart Elementary or High School from a school which is not accredited by the State of Mississippi Department of Education must be tested.* This includes students who wish to transfer from schools accredited by the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools.Home schooled studentsTo apply for admission to Sacred Heart Catholic School, home schooled students must meet the following requirements:The student must provide proof of enrollment in a national or state accredited home-schooling program. Documentation in the form of a transcript and/or grade report from the program must be provided.Admissions testing* will be required.*Sacred Heart Catholic School tests for grade and/or subject placement. Sacred Heart Catholic School does not test for Carnegie units. Testing will either be a standardized achievement test(s) or teacher-made special subject test(s) to determine the appropriate classification of the student. Notice of the administering of such test(s) shall be given to the applicant not less than five days prior to the date of the administration of each test, unless agreed upon by the parent and school officials.Policy Regarding Re-Admission of StudentsRe-admission to Sacred Heart Catholic School is at the sole discretion of the school's Principal and the Admissions Council. The school reserves the right to refuse re-admission of any student for reasons including but not limited to the following: lack of academic progress, discipline concerns, protection, safety, and well-being of the student body and/or faculty and staff.Non-Discrimination Policy & Title IX ComplianceIn compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1962 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sacred Heart School in Hattiesburg, MS assures that no one shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the school.Sacred Heart School is in compliance with the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in Federally-assisted education programs. Title IX states:"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."Requirements for EnrollmentUpon acceptance to Sacred Heart Catholic School, the following items will be required for enrollment:Withdrawal letter from previous school or preschoolCertificate of Baptism (Catholic students only)Immunization certificate from the state of Mississippi Dept. of Health (Form 121)The following immunizations are required for all students:DPT (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough)B. Red MeaslesRubellaPolioMumpsMMR Vaccine (the MS State Dept. of Health enforces a 2nd dose MMR requirement)Chicken PoxTdap (incoming 7th graders only)Copy of the child's social security card (optional)A contract with FACTS tuition payment service or tuition paid in fullHigh School Placement Test for students applying to Sacred Heart Catholic High School (7th-12th)Transcript Release Form to be sent to previous school

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