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Notes for Prospective Students

Students who achieve the honor of a SJPII Diploma have accomplished much during their high school career.  They have studied, they have developed skills, they have inquired, they have written, they have spoken, and they have demonstrated that their efforts are worthy of our Diploma. Generally, our graduation requirements include: 28 credits (earned in the disciplines noted below)100 hours of community service (over four years) Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 In general, students entering with the Class of 2021 and beyond must complete the following: 4 credits of Religion4 credits of Math (through at least the equivalent of Algebra II) 3 credits of Science (4 Recommended) 4 credits of History/Social Science   - 1 credit in World History,  - 1 credit in American History,  - credit in American Government,  - credit in Economics  - 1 additional credit 4 credits of English 2 credits of the same Modern Language (a minimum of 3 is strongly recommended) 1 credit of Health/Physical Education 1 credit of Fine/Performing Art 5 credits of additional elective study

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