
Request Information

Let Saint Mark Lutheran School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

A D M I S S I O N     P R O C E D U R E S Application Complete and submit the Application for Admission along with a non-refundable $75 application fee no later than January 15 for priority consideration (applications continue to be accepted after the priority deadline) . Include a photo with the application (not required but recommended) Birth certificate or copy (for Kindergarten admission only must be five years old on or before October 31) Forms for Current School Complete and sign the CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION and give to current school.             This is only required for students applying for Grades 1 - 8. Complete and sign the release statement on the TEACHER`S REFERENCE REPORT and give to the appropriate teacher(s) to fill out. Due to Saint Mark by February 10.            One report is required for students applying for Grades K & 1.            Two reports are required for students applying for Grades 2 - 8. These forms (Consent for Release of Information & Teacher`s Reference Reports) should be given to the applicant`s current school for completion. Please provide the current school with a stamped envelope addressed to:                                    Saint Mark Lutheran School                                   45-725 Kamehameha Highway                                   Kaneohe, HI 96744 Entrance Exam For Grades 1 - 8 admission, we will notify you of the date and time of the Entrance Exam scheduled for your child. No entrance exam is required for K admission. We do, however, reserve the right to call students in for an interview. (In the case of out-of-state applicants, the Entrance Exam may be waived PROVIDED ADEQUATE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE from the applicant`s present school.) Most Recent Academic Records For Kindergarten admission, submit a copy of the first semester report card to Saint Mark by February 10 (if available). For Grades 1 - 8 admission, submit a copy of last year`s final report card and the first semester report card of this year to Saint Mark by February 10. Decision The first round of decisions will be mailed out after March 1. Upon acceptance, a place in the classroom will be guaranteed only if the NONREFUNDABLE enrollment fee and contract are remitted within two weeks of acceptance. This fee is applied to the tuition. It is often necessary to place students on a wait list as enrollment for each class is limited.

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