
Request Information

Let Santa Barbara Middle School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

Students must be on grade level or above. Students must be flexible and adaptable to our extensive program. Students are expected to bring their best to class, be respectful of teachers and fellow students and be a positive addition to the group. Students are expected to be kind to everyone at school. Every student participates in three 1-2 week mountain biking, backpacking, kaykaing and hiking trips every year. The trips are an integral part of our program and are included in the tuition price. We find the students who thrive and flourish at SBMS are those who are able to work independently in an academic environment that is very traditional and also at times unstructured. We have traditional expectations that our students are independent, respectful of the other students and teachers, are conscientious in their academic pursuits, are flexible inside the classroom as well as on the road, show that they are self-motivated, have personal follow through and integrity. Often we are asked what kind of student Santa Barbara Middle School attracts. I can confidently tell you that students who thrive well at SBMS have many of these qualities: Intellectual curiosity and acumen, Self motivation, Adventurous spirit, Intrinsically hearty, Self discipline, Kindness and Integrity. If your child is a strong student, easily adaptable to our challenging academic and robust outdoor program, is enthusiastic about giving full effort, then we are looking at a great candidate for SBMS!

Student Information

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