Let Shelton Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
Copy Student`s Academic Records-Provide copies of your child`s
report cards for the last two years of school (including the
current school year) in English or with a certified English
translation provided. (new student) Admission Application
Parent/Guardian Questionnaire. Student`s Passport, Birth
Certificate or other official identification (new student). Copy
Student`s Passport Photo (new student). Student`s Health Records It
is required that a current physical examination and immunization
record be brought upon or within 30 days enrollment (Blue and
Yellow forms) Parent`s/Guardian`s Driver`s License or Passport.
Please complete application online and submit documents through our
website (new student). Teacher Recommendation Form to be completed
by a former teacher (new student) Network User and Laptop Agreement
to be signed by student and parent/guardian upon entry (new
Records Form to be submitted by the parent/guardian and completed
by the current school in a sealed official transcript envelope or
sent via postal service by school (new student). Standardized Test
Scores Reports, such as SAT, MAP, ITBS, CTBS, FCAT, and ERB (new
student) Medical or Psychological Evaluations, IEP, or any other
information pertinent to the student's academic history or medical
and/or psychological condition (new student) Completed