
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

Admission to St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute is open to young men whose middle school record exhibits positive citizenship in an academic community and an ability to succeed in a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Students must also achieve a satisfactorily competitive score on the school's entrance exam. St. Joe's operates under a rolling Admissions Policy, meaning we evaluate applicants throughout the year. Ready to begin the application process?To be considered for admission to St. Joe's, prospective freshmen for fall 2024 must do the following:Complete an online Application for AdmissionSit for the Entrance & Scholarship Exam. A completed Application for Admission listing St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute as your first choice high school serves as registration for the Entrance & Scholarship Exam on Saturday, November 18. After November, St. Joe's offers the Entrance & Scholarship Exam monthly by appointment. Contact the Admissions Center at 716.874.4953 or admissions@sjci.com for more information.Complete an Academic Records Request Form to provide the Admissions Office copies of final academic transcripts, or reports cards, from grades 6 and 7, along with the first 8th grade report. Schedule an Applicant Family Interview online or by contacting the Admissions Office at 716.874.4953. The interview is optional, but provides an excellent opportunity for the Admissions Committee to determine how St. Joe's can best serve a student.

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