
Request Information

Let Upper Room Christian School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

In order to provide the best placement for all of our students we have set the following general standards for acceptance to Upper Room Christian School. As a guideline, all students should have a 70% (C+) or better in all core subjects (English, History, Math and Science) as a final grade in the year prior to coming to Upper Room Christian School. Students should not be more than one grade level behind in reading or math as recorded on their standardized test scores from their previous school. Students may not be accepted if their behavior was not acceptable in their previous school. Students should have satisfactory attendance records. We can service students with IEP's so if a student has had a Special Education Committee meeting or was ever recommended for district testing a copy of the report must be present with your application. While we consider these standards minimum we will consider all applicants on a case-by-case basis.If an applicant does not meet the above standards, at our discretion, we may consider further evaluation based upon previous school records and or discussions with prior teachers and or administrators as well as evaluation of the uniqueness of your situation. In rare circumstances we may grant conditional acceptance based upon a written individualized academic and or behavioral plan which states our expectations relating to work/study habits, tutoring, district testing, behavior standards, adequate attendance, etc.All new students are on academic and behavioral probationary status for their first year at Upper Room Christian School. If your child does not meet our academic and behavioral standards they may be immediately withdrawn from the school and/or refused re-enrollment for the following year. In all cases we work closely with the home and communicate our expectations and observations as the need arises. Our ultimate goal is to provide every child with a caring, spirit-controlled, disciplined, academic environment that is conducive for learning so they can grow in spirit, soul and body and fulfill their God-given destiny.

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