
Request Information

Let Vertical Skills Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

Vertical Skills Academy serves bright students who have a primary language-based learning disability, such as Dyslexia, and who may have difficulties with writing, math, or attention. Vertical Skills Academy strives to maintain a well-defined student body in order to provide focused instruction, enhance social-emotional learning, and maximize learning opportunities.  As every child has a unique history and learning profile with individual strengths and weaknesses which broadly impact learning, VSA must follow strict enrollment guidelines to ensure success for all students. We believe it is imperative that students are able to attend to instruction, listen and understand, maintain behavioral expectations, so that academic skills related to speaking, reading, writing, and math grow. The enrollment process includes discussions with parents, students, current teachers, and additional interventionists as well as current data including applicable professional evaluation(s), report cards, IEP/504 Plan, and progress monitoring. Following a thorough data collection process students are invited to spend the day at the school socializing and participating in classes. Enrollment decisions are made shortly after a student shadows or the family meets with admissions when school is not in session. 

Student Information

About the Student

Address and Telephone Number

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